The name of Dnipropetrvosk, one of the largest financial and industrial cities of Ukraine , has changed.
According to the news published in Korrespondent , Dnipropetrvosk’s name was changed to Dnepr (Dnipro) with the decision taken by 247 parliamentarians.
The city was renamed Yekaterinovslav until 1796, Novorossiysk between 1796 and 1802, and was renamed Yekaterinoslav between 802 and 1926.
Finally, with the change made on 20 July 1926, the city became Petro after the Soviet politician Grigoria Petrovskiy, and later Dniptopetrovsk.
During the Verhovna Rada’s session yesterday, 300 Ukrainian cities were renamed, while Dniprodzerjinsk (Днепродзержинск) in the Dnipropetrovsk Region was also renamed Kamenskoe (historical name).